This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 17 June 2015


It has been a relaxing week so far. Work projects have been set aside as we enjoy time with Sean and later today Leanne.

 We continue to eat raw, especially enjoying a variety of salads from the garden. Each morning we walk the road and then a loop in town when we go for groceries. I've noticed considerable improvement in my blood pressure scores and regularly see numbers around 120/77. Hopefully when I see my cardiologist in November he will be happy.

 Our meat birds are now five weeks old and looking very healthy.

We have 20 birds and they are happy in their coop, protected from the rain and any predators snooping about.

We have five feeding stations which we keep full and there are always a few girls eating whenever we stop by. Mary also gives them fresh cut greens twice a day which they love and come running for.

We spread wood chips on the floor to give them a soft dry place to sit and we have two water stations as they always seem to be thirsty in the hot weather.

If you are coming up there is road construction on Bay Lake Rd. but the delays are short and the crew tries their best to keep the traffic flowing.

Just recently had word of a possible quarry being developed on Bay Lake Rd. so we will be attending information meetings on that topic later this month.

Thanks for stopping by and safe travels everyone.

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