This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Friday 6 December 2013


Yesterday Rudy and Lina came up to check on their cottage.  Rudy was concerned about his solar system and wanted to see that it was working properly.

They have a lovely cottage right on the lake and enjoy the beauty of the area all summer long.

The road in didn't look good and Rudy wasn't sure if we could make it ................... I wasn't sure either.

Safely in, now the challenge would be getting  back up the hill?  

After inspecting the solar system and the cottage and determining that all was fine it was time to lock up and tackle the hill.

The hill into no-man's land.

No pictures of the climb up hill as I had both hands on the wheel and full concentration on where the car was sliding to. Other than the close inspection of one ditch we were soon back on good roads and breathing normally again.

"No problem!" 

All is well and once again we dodged the bullet of what might have been.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. OK -- how did you make it snow in the one photo? Still movie??
    Very impressive shot. Very smart operator. You should run camera workshops.
    Keep the pictures coming.
