This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 6 July 2013

BLAST from the PAST

If you love the music from the 50s and 60s you should have been in Bancroft last night. It was a walk down memory lane.

The main street was closed off and turned into a pedestrian mall.

Vintage cars, classic cars ......................

unusual cars lined both sides of the street.

Freddie Vette and the Flames took us back in time to the music of the 50s and 60s and they were good. I especially liked the sax player who could make that instrument talk.

Lots of delicious food was available. Spare ribs, chicken and pulled pork were the speciality of "Horn Dawgs" and it was lip smacking good.

They even had a plane on display to remind everyone of the pancake breakfast and fly-in Sunday morning.

Today it is the vintage boat show in the park. 

It's summer and lots to do and enjoy in Bancroft.


  1. Wonderfull that blast of the past happening!
    Enjoy the pances!
    Greetings from Enkhuizen in the sun. This evening we going to make a little BBQ party with our neighbours.
    Greetings, Ad and Gertie

  2. Hello Art & Mary, Thanks for the wonderful weekend. Here is wishing you both another forty years!
    Best Always Annie & Marvin
