This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 14 July 2013


We live on a "cottage road". It simply means that the township is not responsible for the maintenance of the road, the land owners are. Thanks to Paul our road  is in excellent condition. It is graded each spring and fall and also after any heavy rains we have during the summer. Fresh gravel is applied as needed and culverts are replaced or adjusted according to the flow of water across the road. 

Yesterday was "road work day". It's a day we try to show up and trim back any problem vegetation on our section of the road that may be encroaching or damaging the road in some way. If we maintain the road it is much easier for all of us, our friends and delivery trucks to get safely into our properties. In an emergency you don't want the road to prevent help from gaining quick access to your residence or be delayed until the road can be sanded, plowed or otherwise made passable.

We hosted the BBQ luncheon paid for by the cottage association and it was great to be able to sit and chat with neighbours we don't see every day. These work days help to keep our road fees down and also gives us a chance to get acquainted with those who live further down the road.

Just another way to enjoy cottage country; food, friends, and a little work.

Thanks for stopping by. Safe travels.

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