This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 19 January 2020


Our snowbanks are now as high as my skid-steer. Last night we got another 20-25cm and we spent today plowing.

Looks like tomorrow's job will be taking the snow off the roof of my trailer.

Our road had so much snow the guy plowed it twice during the storm. He does a great job and we can easily get out when needed.

Even like this our solar panels were producing power all day filling our batteries as I worked to clear the driveway. It's a great system and we've had no issues since installing it in 2012.

Stay safe and warm everyone and thanks for stopping by.


  1. How lovely to have come across you both. My husband and I are 56 and 60 and very active. We are also building an off grid homethis summer in South River area , Ontario. We are British but dual citizens and we lived in Canada for 12 yrs had the first of our 3 children there. I can't tell you how excited we are to move off grid! I smiled when I saw your plans to travel in your converted camper van as that too is our vision. Thank you for all advice and guidance I'm sure I'll be following you if that's ok as it's all a new learning curve no matter how many years we have been researching this way of life. Thanks again Andrea

  2. Hi Andrea;

    All the best with your new plans. If you have any questions please ask.

    It's a wonderful lifestyle.
