This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Friday 17 January 2020


Woke up this morning to -25*C outside.

It's so cold the birds are sitting around our chimney cap to keep warm.

We heat with wood and it is stacked on our back porch close and easy to reach when needed. This is our reserve which we hope not to touch until next year when it will be good and dry.

Today our batteries will get fully charged thanks to at least 8 hours of full sun. Tomorrow will be a different story as we are expecting 20-25 cm of snow. It will make for great snowshoeing conditions through our forest.

Stay safe and warm everyone and thanks for stopping by.


  1. I was just introduced to your story on youtube.I can't stop thinking about doing what you are doing. I have been saying to myself, you are crazy and you are going to be too old for this. Wow, you are doing it in Canada no less. We live in NY and I would love to know if you had a design team, who they are and can they work in NY? Thanks for sharing your story. Kim

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    1. We were 64 and 55 when we started building. Didn't know a whole lot about living off grid but went that route when Hydro One wanted 45-75 thousand to bring a line to our property. Complete solar system, installed was 32 thousand so you see we saved 15 thousand right there. No design team in the USA but I'm sure you can find capable folks who design and maybe even live this lifestyle. All the best.
