This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Tuesday 21 January 2020


This morning we headed north to Barry's Bay a community of 1,300 people on Lake Kamaniskeg in the Madawaska Valley.  Although smaller than Bancroft it has a larger hospital which is able to perform a broader range of medical tests. It was just another routine test, in the ever growing list as we age.

We decided to take the back roads which was slower but took us past many abandoned farms where old timber framed barns still stand, empty and unused today.

We also spotted this flock of wild turkeys heading for shelter in the trees. Turkeys are plentiful up here and frequently seen when we travel.

We arrived at the St. Francis Memorial Hospital in plenty of time to get registered and looked after. As I waited in the lobby I read the hospital's misssion statement and code of conduct freguently posted on the large TV screen. One clear message that was repeated often was that abusive conduct from patient or visitors would not be tolerated and the police would be called to deal with such individuals. Sad that we have to remind adults how to behave inside a hospital. Seems to be a new trend in how society is going.

Once done we headed to the Ashe Grove restaurant for lunch. It's a popular place as you can see by all the snowmobiles parked out front. Their food is delicious, home cooked and made from scratch; not something heated in a microwave.

Now we are home enjoying the warmth of our wood stove and a glass of wine.

Safe travels everyone and thanks for stopping by.


  1. How did you not stop at Grumblin Granny's?! I miss this area, used to visit my grandparents here all the time. Beautiful country. Wish you the best

    1. Thanks. We usually stop at Grumblin Granny's out on the highway, but it was closed. Mary's second favourite store in Barry's Bay. Fabric store is #1. It's beautiful country and I can see why you would miss it.
