This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday, 8 June 2019


The Youth Center in town is called the Switchyard for obvious reasons (reclaimed land from the days of trains) and holds a BBQ fund raiser every year. It is always well supported and this year they celebrate 25 years.

Mary considering where she would place her raffle tickets. ....... Another year without a win.

Fortunately the day was sunny and warm and almost bug free. By the time food was served all these tables were full. At $7.00 a plate it was the best bargain in town.

The auction table was popular, with many items highly sought after along with loads of logs and gravel delivered to the highest bidder.

Durl flashes his yellow auction card ready for the real action after supper.

Based on the auction alone I would say it was a very successful night and of course the burgers, salads and pies were enjoyed by everyone.

Amazing the turnout and donated prizes in such a small community.  Big doesn't always mean better. Bancroft is full of people who care about their community.


  1. Reminds me of old Brampton with the flower parade and the fair. Good times.

  2. Yes Jim I'm partial to fall fairs, community BBQs and farmers' markets. They speak of the soul of the community. Glad you have good memories of "old Brampton"
