This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 29 June 2019


We are attempting to improve our cholesterol and triglycerides numbers through a change in diet. Our plan is to eat as close to "Keto" as we can get and see what future lipid numbers tell us. Today Mary made "Eggs Baconnaise" from the excellent KETO recipe book entitled The Real Meal Revolution.

First the bacon is cooked and then removed from the frying pan and the asparagus added.

Just before the asparagus is done the bacon is added to finish cooking and add more fat. Also a splash of lemon and a few dollops of garlic go on the asparagus. While I keep an eye on this Mary is busy preparing poached eggs and making the baconnaise sauce which is: butter, bacon grease, eggs, Dijon mustard, lemon, salt and pepper.

When it all finally arrives on your plate it is full of flavour, and mouth watering delicious. Once you've tried it you will want it every morning; it's that good.

Of course a table isn't properly set unless you have a bouquet of flowers. These came from Mary's garden and added a rainbow of colour to our breakfast meal.

We will eat KETO for the next three months and then I'll report on my triglyceride numbers.

Safe travels everyone and thanks for stopping by.

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