This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 9 March 2013


Where did the week go to? We haven't been busy but the week disappeared. We are into mild days with the sap flowing and maple syrup being produced. We hope to visit a sugar bush when Paul and family visit next week. I'll have pictures then.

Mary has been fighting her allergies so yesterday was a couch day for her. She spent the day surfing the internet for more information on "hugelkultur" as she wants her gardens built as soon as we can get on the land.

Right now our parking area is a mud bowl. Once the temperature rises above freezing the ground thaws and we have mud. First job this summer is to get more gravel down around the house. 

Mary started her seeds this week. If all goes according to plan we should have an abundance of vegetables to enjoy this summer.

Oh yes, the barred owl was back this week. We enjoyed watching him swoop across our yard several times trying to catch one of the red squirrels. He came close but left empty handed.

This icicles you see in the header are hanging off our south facing roof. As the snow melts and the water runs off it forms these beautiful icicles you see above .................... especially beautiful when they catch the morning sun.

Thanks for stopping by and for keeping in touch. Looking forward to our company next week.

1 comment:

  1. Love watching the Owl but he better not touch those cute little squirrels... He can have a mouse if he is hungry.
    Enjoy your maple syrup ..... mmmmm. Will there be pancakes??
