This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 2 September 2012


Mom was always afraid I would run off and join the circus. When the fair was in town I spent all weekend walking the grounds, taking in all the activity and working for the concessions whenever possible. It was a magical weekend for me.

This weekend the Kinmount fair is on and it highlights the agricultural life of the community. I was very impressed with the kids showing their prize animals with confidence, poise and knowledge. Farm kids just have so much more responsibility at such an early age then I did.

Before the judging there is the preparation. They probably get a hair cut more often then I do.

Once in the judging ring you want everything to be perfect, including the behaviour.

Look at the size of the horse and the size of the little girl leading him through his paces. Reminds me of my sister Carol when she was that age. She loved to sit on the back of our uncle's work horses and walk them around the field. Now how to you think a little girl that size would be able to climb up on the horse's back? Very easy. Carol would stand on the water tank and call the horses over for a drink. While they were drinking she was busy wiggling up on top. All she had to do then was hold on to the mane while the horse trotted around the field. Great fun and better than any amusement ride.

Being an agricultural fair there was judging for everything; vegetables .............

..................... tomatoes ....................

.................. flowers ..............

.................  and delicious home baking.

Tomorrow we will visit the horse show. Valery should have been there. She would have loved all the horses.

Thanks for stopping by.

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