This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 1 June 2016


Yesterday we were back at St Michael's hospital in Toronto. We had a 9 am appointment with Dr Das and he was right on time. All doctors should be so prompt.

He explained what is happening with the tumor on Mary's spine and what options he has to address the problem.

We decided to go for the least invasive surgery which will open up the area around the nerve where it is being pinched. He will also take a biopsy of the tumor while in there just to double check the condition.

Mary will stay in the hospital for one or two days depending on the level of pain. Once home she will need to avoid putting any pressure on her spine until the pain is gone, usually about two weeks. After that mild activity is allowed until her strength returns.

When will all this take place? No firm date yet but he hopes to have the operation done within the next 30 days. We will keep you posted.

Until then we will continue to enjoy this lovely summer weather and get our gardens planted now that the cold weather has passed.

Thanks for stopping by and keeping an eye on us. If you have any questions just send them along and we will reply asap.

Safe travels everyone.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to get this update. My thoughts and prayers are with you both as you deal with this health challenge. Please know that although I seldom post I am checking on you and thinking of you often.
