This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Tuesday 7 April 2015


A flock of common redpolls showed up yesterday. They are a member of the finch family and make the Arctic tundra their breeding ground. I suspect this flock is making its way north for the summer season.

We haven't seen many jays this winter, not sure why as they usually stay around. A pair showed up the other day, checked out the food supply then left.

Our red squirrel population is on the increase. We regularly have 6-8 of them chattering back and forth on our deck. When the food supply runs out then they sit and watch, almost demanding more.

A blue Heron showed up on our pond last week. No idea what food he is finding down there as we still have lots of snow and ice covering the water. There must be open water among the bulrushes that I can't see from our deck.

Another sign that the season is changing are the Canadian geese flying overhead. Their welcome honking is heard before we see them. I suspect we will soon hear the call of the loon and see mallards, wood ducks and mergansers as spring continues to thaw the land.

Time now for us to get the evaporator warmed up and the sap boiling. We have 125 litres to boil down today and are hoping to get 3 litres of maple syrup when the day ends.

Enjoy your day. I'll be at the sugar shack if you need me.

1 comment:

  1. We love the birds as well. Have our ducks back fnally. Lots of finches and redpolls as well. AND we have so many chickadees and juncos. I love them all.
