This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Tuesday 11 June 2013


Today we awoke surrounded by turtles. From our windows we spotted 5 turtles all busy trying to select the best spot to lay eggs.

This girl dug several holes before moving across the driveway to try the possible sites there. Imagine what the chipmunks here must think when they see this "monster" coming their way.

Owen enjoyed the activities from the safety of the window. This is the best science classroom he could have.

Finally a site to her satisfaction and time to dig a pit to hold all those eggs.

While the turtles were busy laying eggs, Peter was busy getting the steel panels up on the east gable.

YEA! The last one goes into place. Thanks Peter.

Time for Owen in his new boots and hat to check out all the work we got done today.

We actually accomplished quite a bit in spite of all the rain.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. How very exciting to have those panels completed. Nearly as exciting as seeing nature at its very best. WOW how lucky you are to have all these creatures at your doorstep so you can observe and enjoy them. Some day Owen will know just how lucky he is that you live where you do. Enjoy this gorgeous weather that is now here !!!
