This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Thursday 5 November 2020



The last few nights we've had one of these hanging around. This is the last creature we want Penny to meet

Porcupines are slow moving and not aggressive but their quills can inflick major damage to a dog or any animal that gets too close.

I'm using a  live animal trap we've had for years and is a little battered but should still do the job. At the rear we placed apple slices that have been soaking in a salt solution which is suppose to be most attractive to porcupines

We placed the trap inside Penny's dog run and closed the gate. Now before you think we've gone a little bonkers hear me out.
The trap if left outside for the day is too attractive for Penny. We find her crawling inside to get the apples. Placing the trap inside the dog run and closing the gate keeps Penny safe during the day and we simply open the gate at night and let Mr. Porcupine come in and enjoy the free meal. Fingers crossed that it works as planned.

Tomorrow morning we hope the trap is full and we can transport the porcupine to a destination far removed from our property. I know some people eat them but we are just fine with relocating him. I don't want to get any closer than necessary.

Stay safe and well and thanks for stoppig by

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