This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 1 November 2020



Yesterday morning looked like another perfect day for working outside.

Unfortunately the space was too narrow for the skid-steer so I needed to move the water tank before I could actually bring in more rock.

Once the tank was removed we got busy moving dirt........

and rock...........

and backfilling when the new rock was in place. The skid-steer made it a much easier job than me trying to do it by hand.

I still need to adjust the corner and bring in some pea gravel to top off the berm.

We are so happy with this job we would like to do the west side of the house next. Always something to keep us busy and planning for the next year.

Stay safe and well and thanks for stopping by.


  1. It looks wonderful! I imagine it with bits of moss in the spaces between and creeping thyme. Lovely!

    I've always wanted to make an amusement park where instead of rides you could spend 5 minutes on enormous earth movers, pushing this and that about. And then when your 5 minutes was over you could run off to learn to operate a crane or a dump truck. 🤣 I know I would pay big bucks to get to do that! Be safe you two! Keep making your corner of the world more beautiful 🥰

  2. Thanks Julia;
    You have a great imagination and your amusement park sounds like a great idea. We continue to self isolate most of the time back here in the bush and stay busy with projects to improve our place. This week we want to build another garden bed. Always something. Stay safe and well and thanks for writing.

  3. Hi! I watched a YouTube video where you were showing your home and they provided the link to your blog.

    I am really inspired by your work! Amazing 😍

  4. Thanks for the kind words and so glad you enjoyed the video
