This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 19 April 2020


Yesterday we celebrated Owen's birthday through the iternet. Since we couldn't gather in his home  we used   "Google Duo" to collectively sing "Happy Birthday" and share birthday cake on the screen. It was our first experience of such technology but with COVID-19 I doubt it will be our last.

Mary built a stand for her ipad using two boxes and two buttons. It worked just fine and gave us a hands free method to keep the camera steady.

When I was Owen's age my grandmother lived in the country and had a "party" line for her telephone. She would crank the handle to speak to the operator who would connect her to the party she wanted to speak with. She shared the line with a number of other families so you often had to wait to make your call (line was being used) or others would listen in as you talked. Personal private news wasn't shared on line as it would soon become gossip in the village. How times have changed. Now we can talk, and see who we are talking with in colour and instantaneously. No delay, no pause, right from our own livingroom. My grandmother would be amazed.

Who should we call next?

Stay safe and healthy everyone and thanks for stopping by.

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