This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 25 April 2020


Saturday saw us back in the gardens filling another bed with kale, spinach, radishes and lettuce.

While Mary planted I modified the beds to protect the plants. Usually everyone waits until after June 12th before planting up here as we often get frost in June. Since we are almost two months early I decided to wrap the beds in plastic creating a modified greenhouse affect for each garden. This should improve the micro climate and allow our new sprouts to survive any frost that comes our way.

One bed done, six more to complete.

Closed up and protected for the night. Our plants should be happy and safe.  This will also keep the deer and groundhogs from enjoying all the new growth.

That water tank you see in the photo above will be full this time next week. We have four similar tanks all collecting rainwater from our roof. This will give us 1,000 gallons of rainwater to be used during our hot dry summer days. If all goes well we should have vegetables to give away starting the end of June. It's amazing how much produce we get from seven raised garden beds; about 210 sq. ft or 19.5 sq. metres of actual garden soil.


  1. Do you have a video vlog? You should think about doing it.

  2. Sorry no video vlog. Maybe some day but I prefer to be behind the camera and I'm not sure I have enough to say to make it interesting. Thanks again for writing.
