This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

If you have any questions send us a comment; we love to hear from our readers.
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Sunday 15 December 2019


When we get freezing rain followed by wet snow our place becomes a winter wonderland. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we do.

We call this "Tunnel Road"
Our county roads are well maintained and cleaned before we are out of bed. Our cottage road was plowed first thing as well. The guy is doing a great job.

My favourite boat house.

Some of these branches are so loaded they touched the truck.

Living "Off Grid" means cleaning our solar panels when we get snow.

Our driveway. Glad I plowed it as we had a tree fall during the storm and I needed to get the chainsaw out. All part of living back in the bush.

Safe travels everyone and thanks for stopping by.


  1. What do you use to clean your solar panels?

  2. Hi Nick;
    I use a roof rake sold at Costco for removing snow from your roof. Seems to work fine and I don't see any damage as the sraper is made from plastic. It has a good long reach as the ploe has extensions.
