This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 17 June 2018


Spent three days in the Grassland NP in southern Saskatchewan.

They have large tent cabins available for those without equipment.

The first night they had a campfire where we made "smores" and learned about the history of the park and why it was here.

We camped in the overflow area which was nearly empty.

Just inside the park entrance we were greeted by this friendly fellow. There are 500 bison in the park and they roam free throughout the year. At the moment the bulls are wandering around by themselves while the female bison have moved to the far corner of the park to give birth to their babies. This was the only bison we saw this close during our stay.

Saturday morning we took a three hour hike with the park naturalist to learn about the ecology of the area and what species are endangered or threatened.

There is a large colony of prairie dogs here in the park, one species they are trying to protect.

I'll try to write tomorrow but internet connection is not always possible.

Thanks for stopping by and keeping an eye on us.

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