This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Tuesday 11 April 2017


It has been a long winter for our chickens. For the past five months they have been confined to the coop run, an area with limited choices. Lately we have been letting them free-range the property but that exposes them to predators in our area. Yesterday we expanded their yard so they can now scratch in the garden or on the hugel beds without wandering off and ending up on the neighbour's property or in the mouth of some hungry predator. If you've never heard of hugel beds then check out "Hugelkultur" by clicking  HERE

With our temperatures above freezing all week the last of the snow and ice should disappear. We are anxious to get planting the garden but frost is still possible until the middle of May. One solution is the use of a cold-frame for hardy plants such as kale. Today I will build a glass lid and post pictures tomorrow.

Chickadees have been around all winter and we have provided over 400 pounds of seed to their diet this year. Now that the snow is almost gone and bugs are appearing it's time to let them forage in the forest.

Time to get out the chop saw and start construction. I'll post construction pictures tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by.

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