This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Tuesday 29 January 2019


Mary always has several quilt projects on the go but this Owl quilt is the most challenging.

First a pattern had to be made and then each feather had to be cut out; much like a jigsaw puzzle. Of course before any of this started all the right shades of fabric had to be found and washed. Each piece is then ironed onto a paper backing before being attached to the pattern board.

The eyes are critical as that is what first catches your attention. They aren't finished yet as there is still many hours of work needed before this quilt is ready to be hung.

A less demanding quilt is this checkered wool quilt made from old coats. It's beautiful and will become my camping blanket to keep me warm as we enjoy campfires with Owen this summer.

On bitter cold sunny days this is Mary's preferred  location; at her sewing machine with a view across our frozen pond.

Now it's time to throw another log on the fire and make plans for the day ahead.

Safe travels everyone.


  1. I can see the David Taylor influence - It's going to be a show stopper!

    1. Thanks Jim. I have been loving this project. Need to get it finished before June. David Taylor is visiting the National Quilt Show in Ottawa and I really want to take it and show him.
