This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 5 September 2015


Every spring we have 10 to 15 turtles up here laying their eggs close to the house. Our soil is sandy and warm in the summer sun, making a perfect incubator for the eggs.

Yesterday we had the good fortune to see them hatch. We watched with great excitement as 14 crawled out of their nest and started the long journey to the pond.

Mary felt they needed some help so she gathered as many as she could find and carefully placed them in a basket.

Down at the pond we had to force our way through the grass to find the water.

They knew how to swim right out of the basket and quickly disappeared into the reeds.

It was a remarkable experience and one easily missed if our timing is off. Once out of the nest they seemed to know how vulnerable they were and headed straight for the pond and safety.  Even there predators exist and we know their survival depends on luck and their ability to stay hidden when danger is present.

This morning all is quiet and I'm off to help Peter clear trees off his property.

Safe travels everyone and thanks for stopping by. 

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