This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Monday 14 May 2012

Birds and Windows

Now that the floor is in, we are spending more time in the house. One sad occurrence  the first day was a dead robin which struck a window and broke its neck. We want to enjoy nature not cause more stress to the environment so we decided tape on the windows might be a solution. (Doesn't look the best, does it?)

If you click on the picture above you will see the green tape on the window. No, our window didn't crack, just our first attempt to let the birds know they are flying into a window, not the forest which is reflected in the glass. 

While working inside to put the tape across each window a humming bird struck the window. Fortunately he survived but we just knew that something more than tape was needed. We will try and find some window decals and see if they keep the birds away from the windows.
To be continued once we get some decals. If you have a better solution send us a note.


So here is our present solution. Not sure if it will help the birds; the window still looks confusing to me, but I'm not the one trying to fly through it .................... yet.

Yes, we are making progress on the siding, slow, but slow progress is better than no progress.

Have a great evening and thanks for dropping by.

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