This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Thursday 14 January 2021



We are now in a "Stay-at-Home" order from our provincial government. This has minimal impact on us as we have plenty to keep us busy right here. Our wood supply is dwindling but I think we have enough to get us through this season.

My focus these days has been getting firewood stacked and stored for next winter. So far I think we are just about there but I would really prefer enough wood for 2-3 years. That way if something unexpected happens we will still be warm without having to do much work.

Using a tire makes the job of splitting the wood so much easier. This way the wood stays in one spot and isn't flying like little missiles across the yard.

The inspector. Penny would grab the small pieces and run off to her own woodpile. It became a game of split, stack and steal.

Another few days and these bins will be full.

Stay safe and well everyone and thanks for stopping by.


  1. theres nothing more satisfying than seeing a few tonnes of wood stacked in the row of sheds, split and drying, kindling in the gaps lol I have bee known to take photos-and you're right, 2-3 yrs would make me feel a lot better -stay warm

  2. Thanks for the kind words and for keeping an eye on us. Life is quiet and routine back here and we are grateful for that. Stay safe and well.

  3. I just watched your episode on Exploring Alternatives! Your mechanical room blew my mind, Art! Mary, you inspired me with your quilting and bread making! Maybe I can get my architect husband to design a place like yours, but maybe in a warmer (southern US) climate! Thank you for sharing your story!

  4. Glad you enjoyed the video. Yes the mechanical room is little intimidating but easy to use once you learn what needs to be watched. Mary's quilts are beautiful. She has made six others since the video was taken. Thanks for writing and stay safe and well these days.
