This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 16 November 2019


We are still camped at Anastasia SP, Florida and will be here for another week. Our camp site is just a short walk from the beach but the last two days have been cool and wet; not ideal beach weather. Next week looks warmer and sunnier.

Today we discovered, quite by accident, a farmers' market just on the edge of the park. This market is so popular that folks from St Augustine drive to it. The one coffee vendor from Nigeria was recommended so Mary tried their coffee; best ever.

Lots of local farmers selling everything from vegetables, to honey and beef, chicken and pork.

Did I mention Mary and coffee? This company imports their coffee beans from Nigeria, Costa Rica and

The market even provides live music and this band of troubadours were playing a song about "Hand me down by walking cane" which I could relate to.

 We plan to visit again next Saturday. It's within walking distance and an enjoyable way to spend a cool Saturday morning; only 14*C here today.

Safe travels everyone and thanks for keeping an eye on us.


  1. 14 gr is better than here in our wet country:
    8 degrees and rain!!😩
