This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Tuesday 20 August 2019


This summer we installed two water storage tanks on the west side of the house. This water is used for the gardens only and relies on gravity to fill them as well as emptying them.

Today I finally finished installing the diverter valve for both tanks.

It's a simple guillotine or gate valve that you slide in or out depending where you want the water to go.

Once the tank is full you slide the handle out so the water continues down the down spout and away from the house. You can see this tank is a little more than half full. Tomorrow we are to get half an inch of rain. I'll post a picture so you can see how many gallons of water are added. Each tank holds 250 gallons so right now I would think we have about 150 gallons in the tank.

Safe travels everyone and thanks for stopping by.

UPDATE Aug, 21st

It rained last night and this morning we have another 50 gallons of water in this tank.

Our other tanks are full and so I opened the valves.

This valve is open which allows the water to continue down the down spout and away from the house. It's a simple system but effective and takes no time or effort to use.

Once the gardens are done for the season and we no longer need garden water I will remove the tanks and build a proper, level base for each. Always something to be working on.

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