This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Thursday 15 August 2019


We have this huge billboard in town that proclaims in large bold florescent letters FREE DENTAL Program.

This is located on the main street adjacent to the park; you can't miss it.

Canada is renowned for its free medical care so I thought great, kids under 17 will have their teeth looked after. Dental fillings here cost $700/filling, not a cheap expense for families on a tight budget.

Our children are long past the age of 17 but I was curious so inquired. Turns out very few children qualify.

Only families with an income of less that $26,000 if you have two children need apply. If you have ten children then the limit goes up to $39, 812 Who has ten children and can survive on less than $40,000? The poverty line in Canada is $40,000 so in order to qualify for the "Free" dental coverage you would have to be living well below the poverty line or have more than 10 kids.

Seems like a lot of smoke and mirrors to me. The government pretends to be helping families but when you scratch the surface very few receive help and at $700/filling families well above the poverty line could do with some help.

Just my thoughts.

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