This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 22 May 2019


Last weekend my sister Annabelle and her husband Jack hosted a family gathering near London Ontario. It was a fabulous time together and I'll post pictures of the party over the next few days. It was extra special for us as Sean and Maggie were there.

It seemed everyone arrived at the same time. The weather co-operated, at least at first, and we enjoyed getting reacquainted with everyone.

Most folks drove to the party site but a few flew like Sean from Calgary and Kari and Alastair who flew in from England just for the weekend.

Greg (foreground) organized the party  and made sure we had plenty of delicious food to eat. Thanks everyone for sharing especially the elderberry pies which I overdosed on.

Some family members we hadn't seen in 10-15 years so the gathering was certainly overdue.

It was so good to be surprised by Sean's presence as he didn't tell anyone that he was attending. My family hadn't met Maggie and so she got overloaded with a host of new names and faces to learn. The best news of the weekend was the announcement that Maggie is expecting and we will be grandparents sometime in November YEA!!!!!!

OK, enough good news for one day.

More tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Friendly and easy going family. I had a great time with everyone, it was a great experienced for me.
