This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Thursday 16 August 2018


We left early this morning for Peterborough and spotted this flock of baby wild turkeys meandering up the neighbour's driveway. We also have a doe with two fawns in the area. The fawns are still spotted and stay close to their mother.

Our destination was the Peterborough Riverview Park and Zoo the perfect rendezvous spot on such a hot day.

The park has a splash pad and Owen and Kate had a blast running through the different water formations.

Kate was a little cautious at first preferring to back into the water and keep her face dry.

That soon changed when she realized getting soaked and kicking the water was much more fun.

While they played we found a shady spot to keep an eye on them and stay cool ourselves ............ without the water treatment.

The dragon shooting water was a lot of fun and you could actually rotate it to spray water at the other kids.

The human car wash was another popular spot with Owen as he ran back and forth getting totally soaked.

We finished the day with a picnic then loaded Owen and backpack into the truck and headed for home.

Summer is slipping away much too quickly. The good news is we have Owen for another week. Off to find a campsite in Algonquin tomorrow.

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