This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 22 August 2018


Sunday morning started with Hide and Seek; that's way more activity I want first thing out of bed.

After breakfast we drive over to the Logging Museum which has a lot of hands on activities, perfect for an active six year old. This way he can run climb and I can sit and watch. He's happy, I'm happy.

Can you guess what this is? It's a snow plow with adjustable wings, used to build snow roads through the bush. This particular plow was used here in Algonquin Park back in the 1800's.

Imagine using this contraption to keep the loaded sleighs from losing control going down a hill. Looks primitive by today's standards but obviously was effective back when logging was done with horse and axe.

Did I mention he climbed on everything?

The museum explains logging in the park from the 1800's to present day operations. This skidder was used here in the 1950's.

Owen was more interested in climbing over everything and pretending he was working back in the bush. He has a vivid imagination and can easily get other kids to take part in his play ideas.

Off on the run to the next display ..........

where he climbed, yelled and pulled leavers while I sat and enjoyed the moment with my grandson.

Monday morning we awoke shrouded in fog so heavy you couldn't see across the lake. Owen thought they should have named Pog Lake, Fog Lake and this morning I would agree. Although we started off in the fog it would turn out to be the best day yet, but that's enough for this post.

Thanks for keeping an eye on us and safe travels everyone.

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