Today we did our first maple syrup boil-off for the 2017 season. It is a long process for us as our system is not very energy efficient but the finished product is so delicious.
The journey starts in the small pan closest to the chimney. As it is warmed and starts to show bubbles we ladle it into the middle pan where it sits until it boils then finally into the larger pan for the final few hours of boiling. We boiled for ten hours and finished with two litres of delicious lip smacking homemade maple syrup.
Trudy and Mary pour the sap into a bucket for the final stage of boiling, up at the house.
We use a propane cooker so we can control the temperature and easily monitor the progression of sap conversion.
Suddenly your sap can boil over and ruin the whole batch so a constant eye is kept on the sap at this stage.
Last year my sister Carol gave us this coffee urn which makes filling the jars so much easier.
Our first bottle of maple syrup and we are delighted. Time for buckwheat pancakes, sausages and homemade maple syrup.
Thanks for keeping an eye on us and hope you get to enjoy your own maple syrup.
I can almost smell and taste it and those buckwheat pancakes are making my mouth water. You guys are amazing!!