This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Tuesday, 12 July 2016


Paul is up for a few days and last night we took his canoe down to the lake.

He did a beautiful job restoring this cedar strip canoe, which at one time was ready for the garbage dump.

At  14 feet it is the perfect size for solo travel. The canoe is a head-turner, anyone would be proud to paddle.

Paul was enjoying himself until ..................

I decided to climb in. Not sure what happened but instead of paddling we were swimming. Didn't matter, the lake was calm and the water warm and we soon had the problem solved.

Unfortunately no pictures of our evening paddle. Next time I'll put the camera in a plastic bag.

Right now my camera is in a bag of rice drying out. Hope it solves the problem. Any suggestions Jamie?

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