This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 16 July 2016


First one up each morning checks to make sure all is OK with our chickens.

They are located in the coop top left corner in this picture. The coop in the middle is empty and waiting for a new crew of layers to arrive in September. That is the earliest delivery date we could get for layers.

This morning the girls were out early enjoying the sun and eating as much as they could find.

We went and bought a second feeding station as this one was a little crowded.

Mary likes to add a few greens from the garden to give them some added nutrition.
This is kale from our garden and I use it in my smoothie every morning. Once washed, we bag and freeze it for later use. It's not just the chickens that have to be fed.

Time for a little relaxing in the sun.

Life is good down on the farm.

Next week I want to build a couple of raised garden beds and get some lettuce, spinach and kale ready for fall planting.

Always something.

Thanks for stopping by and safe travels everyone.


  1. I'm happy to see Mary is improving so well! It will be amazing to see these little birds grow quickly. How long does it take before they go into you freezer?

  2. Hi Ruth;

    Mary is doing amazing at her recovery. We see the doctor in a week and expect him to be pleased.
    The chickens will be going in the freezer in 6-7 weeks. We went together with two friends who will share the work and take some chickens for their own freezer.
    This morning we are transplanting several berry bushes.
    Enjoy the weekend.
