This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Friday 20 July 2012

Dry Hot Summer

We've been experiencing the longest, driest, hottest summer in 50 years. Reminds me of the days when we were kids and would lineup at the swimming pool in Brampton. No one had AC and the pool was the only place to cool down.

Up here in Bancroft we don't have to line up to use the pool; there is no pool, just hundreds of lakes where one can swim or float and cool down after a busy day.

For our garden all it wants is a cool drink at the end of the day. 

Now the only way to get water for us at the present time is from the lake. Yesterday we took our two 20 gallon barrels down to the lake and filled them, 1 gallon at a time. OK, time for a pump to get that job done.

So here is our set-up and I'm sure next week it will be a little easier as a pump would save us even more work.

We elevated the barrel filled with 20 gallons of lake water so gravity would give Mary a little force behind the water flow.

The clover was thirsty and greedy. They took almost the whole barrel.

With the arms of the bobcat fully extended we dropped the safety bar down just to prevent an unexpected collapse of the bucket holding our barrel.

Just about done.

We also worked on the steel siding under the back porch and it too is just about done.

Thanks for stopping by and keeping an eye on us. Look forward to seeing you up here once the bunkie arrives.

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