This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Friday 2 April 2021


 Mary gets stronger every day and last week when we saw the surgeon he was delighted with her progress. With such good  news Mary felt she could get started on her seed planting. She worked on the porch and filled  a few trays with a variety of seeds. 

On the warm days we moved the trays outside to harden off the plants and get them ready for the gardens.

Another few weeks and we hope to transplant them into our raised garden beds. The beds are wrapped in plastic and the plants are very protected. 

Thanks for stopping by and keeping an eye on us

Stay safe everyone


  1. So lovely to see Mary up and about! Glad to hear she's healing well!!

  2. Thanks Julia
    Mary continues to have less pain and the ability to do more as each day passes. We expect her to be healthier in a few months than she has been in years The operation was exactly what she needed. No one likes to be in constant pain. Thanks again for keeping an eye on us Enjoy the day

  3. Hello folks
    Not sure what I am doing wrong but have tried to leave a message. Mary it is wonderful seeing you doing the things you love. I trust you are working in moderation as you move forward. Love the report from your doctor and trust that the pain will be a only a memory in the days ahead. Miss you both.
