This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 1 July 2020


Our carrots look like this; a massive bed of tops too thick to allow the roots to grow properly. This requires constant thinning as they grow which takes time.

Yesterday we experimented by placing the carrot seeds on toilette paper before planting. I placed a small dot of glue every 2 inches (5 cm) and Mary used a toothpick to place the seed on the glue.

 We first watered the area so the soil was completely soaked before we planted. Then the strips of toilet paper were placed in the garden bed and covered with a thin layer of soil.

The area was then watered again and covered with a board to protect the seeds from the rain. We learned later that carrot seeds do not germinate well when the temperature is above 20*C. Unfortunately we are in for some hot days and so we may need to do this again in September when the days are cooler. I'll keep you posted.

Our cucumbers are growing nicely and Mary is delighted with the crop she sees. This is the first year she has had success growing cucumbers up here. I think the little greenhouse has improved the growing conditions for these plants.

Our peas are also flourishing and should be ready to pick when Owen and Kate are here next week.

Penny has settled into her new home very well and prefers to sleep on our cool cement floors on these hot summer days. This is the way we found her yesterday afternoon; sound asleep hugging her little stuffed buddy.


Thanks for stopping by and keeping an eye on us. 


  1. Happy Canada Day Uncle A & Aunt M!
    The pic of your little golden today was reported as 'a must see' - my what a little heart breaker! Looks like you guys have many fun and exciting little things on the go. Well wishes to you both! K ox

    1. Hi Kari;

      Good to hear from you and thanks for checking in. Yes, we are so happy to have Penny in our lives. She went for her first swim today and loved it. Did a great "Dog Paddle"
      Stay safe and well. Uncle Art and Aunt Mary
