This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 22 March 2020


Owen and Kate went home on Saturday and now our house is quiet. The dust has settled and there is no-one to chase or play hide and seek with. They are such a delight to have around and when they are here there is no reason to go to the gym. They provide all the activity and cardio workout I need.

So now we are back to more sedate, mundane activities, like growing sprouts. I can handle that.

We are experimenting with trays of sunflower as well as mixed greens sprouts.

These were planted four days ago and seem to be doing well.

Days that we get full sun we move the trays to the south windows where the sprouts soak up the sun's energy.

At night we move the trays into the warmest room of the house and place them under grow lights. Hopefully in a few weeks we will be adding them to our salads. I'll post more pictures once we get to that stage.

 Although we are not in lockdown here in Canada  we are encouraged to stay home and only go out for necessities as our country, like the rest of the world, tries to wrestle this COVID-19 virus to the ground.

In the meantime stay safe and healthy and let us know how you are doing through your comments below.


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