This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 15 March 2020


It's March Break here in Ontario and we have our grandkids for a few days of fun and adventures. Today Oma is busy teaching them how to make homemade donuts. Here Owen and Kate place the dough on a tray. In a few hours Oma will show them how to bake them in a frying pan full of avocado oil.

They also made "Fuzzy Eruptions" by using baking soda and food colouring.

Full concentration; making "fuzzy eruptions" is serious business.

Can you tell they are having fun?

Tomorrow it's "squishy soap"  making and I have no idea what that involves. I just take the pictures and enjoying the fun they have with Oma.


Mary did get the donuts baked later that day.

Once the donuts were cooked the kids rolled them in cinnamon and sugar then placed them on the drying rack to cool. They are delicious and so tempting; can't stop at just one.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Just came across your blog today after watching your video on YouTube. I'm enjoying your blog! We're going to try "fuzzy eruptions" with my kids. Thanks for the idea :)
    Stay well and healthy :)
