This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Tuesday 15 January 2019


For seven years we never saw evidence of rodents until this past week. I noticed empty sunflower seeds in my birdseed storage bin and first thought it might have been just damaged seeds from the processing; not so. Next day even more empty seed shells so I knew it was time to take some serious steps and remove these uninvited intruders.

It soon became apparent that my dollar store traps were not up to the task. The traps were tripped but the mouse was too fast. Time for new traps.

I found these and have been very happy. Easy to use, no contact with the mice and so far every catch has been successful. That little orange dot you see in the trap above is cheese. It is held in a plug that you remove from underneath, fill then screw back into place. The mouse steps up on the platform to get the cheese and the trap springs into action. .......... one less mouse.

Here you see the plug full of cheese before loading it into the trap.

Imagine the white pen is the mouse. To dispose of the mouse simply press down on the flipped up handle at the back. Disposal is simple, easy and there is no contact with the little critter.

This week we've caught four, but last night was a no mouse night and maybe we have solved the problem. Now we just need to discover how they managed to get in.

1 comment:

  1. we currently have a RAT inbetween the kitchen ceiling and floor above. It is kind of LOUD. Paul has sawn a couple of holes in the kitchen ceiling and put traps up there. Aaaaargh. How are they getting IN is the question. Do you know?
