This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Tuesday 1 January 2019


Today's kids are tech savvy. Even Owen's sister who is only two understands what a cell phone is used for and will walk around pretending to talk to Oma. We do let Owen enjoy his i-pad but we also get him outside every day.

He really enjoys snowshoeing and this afternoon we will join our neighbours in a snowshoe hike through the bush.

Not content to simply walk on the flats Owen had to try and navigate a steep hill on his snowshoes.

No trouble going down and little more challenging getting back to the top; but he did it.

He decided we should travel separately and meet at the wood pile. He was litterly running on snowshoes in some spots.

Full of confidence and enjoying every minute on the trails.

When I reached the wood pile Owen wasn't to be seen. Looking around I found him hiding inside one of our cubes. He does like to have fun and play tricks on grandpa.

The sled was quickly filled with wood.

A sled full of wood is heavy and a challenge for even me to pull.

We did manage to get the sled and Owen up to the house.

Owen then enjoyed some time watching the squirrels feed. He was very still and quiet, hoping they would take seeds from his hand. They did come very close and Owen tried to imitate their sounds to make them less nervous but the seeds remained untouched in his hand; maybe next time.

Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY NEW YEAR! everyone.

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