This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Tuesday 17 April 2018


Our view this morning. Yes, winter made a U-turn and came back this weekend and hit us hard. Fresh dump of snow, and no food for the animals. We put out extra feeders as suddenly we had a flock of finches show up.

This guy took a run at the squirrels under our feeders but went away empty-handed. Even foxes aren't successful 100% of the time.

This little guy was moving fast across the snow straight to our house. It's a weasel and he's hungry. Squirrels, vols, mice they can't hide from him. Weasels usually hunt at night but food is scarce so he hunts when his family needs food. We've been here six winters and this is the first time we've seen one.

Hopefully the temperatures will rise, the snow will melt and the sun return soon.

Safe travels everyone and thanks for stopping by.

UP-Date 9 am

Just came in from plowing the driveway. This is what our world looks like this morning.

Looking out our back door. Next job is to clear the solar panels.

One pass with the skid-steer.

Glad to have this guy available.

Getting the snow and ice off the roof was a good workout. Glad not to do this every day.

Our driveway goes off to the left, cottage road is straight ahead. We won't be going to town today.

1 comment:

  1. Wow you really got hammered! Snow....
    What great pictures you got of the fox and weasel - beautiful! I am glad you are feeding the birds - I feel bad for them. I heard a blue jay early this morning. Olga
