This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 3 September 2016


Eating healthy foods as taken on a greater importance as we've aged. One suggestion is a daily probiotic. Yogurt solves this problem and we both enjoy the Greek style yogurt found in our local grocery store. At $6.00 a container it can get pricey fast when you go through 3-4 containers a week; do the math.

Yesterday Mary made yogurt in our kitchen and it turned our delicious. She simply added high fat milk to her "Instant Pot" plus whatever other ingredients the recipe called for, sealed the lid and plugged it in. Eight hours later, four litres of firm delicious yogurt was ours to enjoy at a cost of $1.50 per litre. Healthy, economical and good for the gut.

While that was cooking it was time to make "fruit leather" Owen starts school for the first time on Wednesday and Mary wants to be there when that happens. A delicious, nutritious, snack for his lunch bucket will be the apple/cherry fruit leather from Oma. He will love it.

The ingredients where first put through our blender, then poured onto parchment paper for the dehydrator. Ten hours later we had delicious candy tasting fruit leather.

Now remember  we are on solar power. While these machines were working, Mary was busy making a baby blanket, she had a coffee, did the dishes, used the computer, a load of laundry and made a smoothie, all from the energy stored in our batteries. Remarkable, when you stop and think about it. It is a great age to be living in. New technologies using solar energy continue to impress and improve. I wonder what Owen's world will be like when he reaches my age?

1 comment:

  1. I eat Greek yogurt every day too and I would like Mary's recipe to make it. I wish I could get Gord to eat it!!!
    Yesterday I had the CT scan and I had no problem with the dye or the stuff I had to drink before hand. I see my Dr on the 13th to get the results.
    When I tell people you live off the grid they think you've gone back to candles and an outhouse until I explain you have every modern convience I enjoy. I'd love to see the quilt you are working on Mary.
    Enjoy your time with Owen this coming week.
    Blessings, Ruth
