This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 9 April 2016


Although it's cold this morning (-15*C) that didn't stop us from having fun. First job was to blow bubbles and watch them float away on the crisp morning air.

Oma got out the dish-soap so Owen could paint the snow blue. No problem if he got the "paint" on his clothes, just toss them in the wash and it comes right out.

Then they hung thread on the bushes so the birds can decorate their nests this spring; if it ever comes.

Look what Owen found in the wood pile ......  a snake skin. You never know what you will see or find up here.

If you can't get your boots wet in the puddles then you can smash ice instead. Every four year old boy loves to play in the puddles.

Wish Owen could stay longer but this wonderful visit will soon be over.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that although it is cold you can have much fun!!!We are on our way home now!!!
