This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Friday 19 December 2014


We just returned from a late afternoon hike through the bush; thought you might enjoy the pictures.

We took along our pruning sheers to cut back some of the low branches on the trail.

This tree had fallen across the path. After moving it to the side, Mary is cutting back the branches.

Sun set across the back pond. The ice here isn't thick enough to walk on.

Just a beautiful day up here in the bush. Batteries went from 63% to 80% thanks to the sun and tomorrow we are promised more.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful pink light! See you soon! Hope the weather co-operate for your drive down next weekend!
