This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 31 December 2014


Wonder how batteries and construction boots are connected; read on.

This is not a good sign. I noticed our battery box on the trailer had a popped corner so went over to investigate. 

Lifting the lid I could see we had major damage. I was hoping to remove the batteries and take them inside to see if I could thaw them out and restore them back to life.

As you can see they are split wide open from the freezing so forget trying to salvage them.

That takes care of the batteries but what about the construction boots?

Since I was lifting batteries and carrying them I decide to put on my coveralls to protect my clothes. The coveralls prevented me from sliding into my rubber boots but since there is no snow I laced on my construction boots ......... the boots with steel toes.

Now an RV battery is not light and when it slips from your hands it doesn't float gently to the ground, it lands like a rock ....... a huge rock ...... especially when its slamming into your foot.

Construction boots to the rescue, no broken bones just bruising and swelling which will disappear in a few days. The boots did their job, protected my toes.

As my Dad would say "There's always something"

Thanks for stopping by and be safe out there.

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