This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Tuesday 15 July 2014


We try and start most days here.  This is our road which isn't that busy and other than the bugs is a pleasure to walk. Each season brings its own unique features and surprises. It might be turtles crossing the road to lay their eggs, deer caught licking salt at the side of the road, leaves changing colour or snow crunching underfoot as we struggle to negotiate the hill or keep our balance. Regardless of the temperature, weather or jobs that are pressing it helps to set aside a few minutes to walk our road and feel the blood pumping under pressure.

Before we head outside we need some fuel and I prefer a smoothie. We mix  frozen berries, almond milk, almond butter, frozen bananas, protein powder, kelp, flax seed, and vitamins until it is smooth enough to drink. Once down we are ready for our walk.

Today I'll be walking alone as Mary is visiting Sherri and Rob and having some special time with Owen. Hope Sherri posts some pictures today.

How do you start your day? Whatever is your routine enjoy the day and thanks for stopping by.

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