This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 13 July 2014


I wrote this post last week, but too many things were happening and it got buried until today. Forgive me.

When I was a kid my mom was always afraid I was going to run away with the fair. Every September for years I lived at the fairgrounds all weekend long. I worked the rides or sold race forms at the track. There was always work for a ten year old kid.

Today the carnival pulls into town and at the flip of a few switches it unfolds from the back of a truck. Every game and ride is staffed by a roadie who spends his life driving to the next town. No work for the local kids, no extra money for a weekend of fun.

It seems to me that everything is too sanitized, too driven, too regulated to allow kids to be kids. Remember when you went out to play and the only instructions were "be home when the street lights come on" What happened to those days? I must be getting old.

Thanks for stopping by and keeping an eye on this old fool. Sure do miss those days.

Up-date 7 a.m. Sunday

Getting some heavy rain at the moment. Looks like an indoor day.

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