This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 8 March 2014


Friday we made some major improvements. Peter was here working on our windowsills and Ben worked on cutting more trees.

Peter measured the sill and the angle needed to have a snug fit against the wall.

Then it was outside to the porch to cut the boards to size.

Shims were placed to get each sill level.

We still need to caulk each sill but so far I think they are looking really good.

While we worked inside Ben was working outside improving our view of the pond.

Thanks guys, it was a great day working on those projects.

Today a photojournalist student from Bellville is coming to take pictures and interview us for a school project and on Sunday Paul, Olga and family arrive for a visit.

The weather is slowly warming and our afternoons the last few days have been sunny and above freezing so maybe,  just maybe spring isn't too far away.

Safe travels everyone and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see someone else going down this road and documenting it to inspire others! Way to go!
    Check my family blog!
