This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

If you have any questions send us a comment; we love to hear from our readers.
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Monday 31 March 2014


The daytime temperatures are now above freezing, the sap is flowing and we are collecting. Once our storage container is full we will start the boil off, maybe later this afternoon.

From the little jug to the big jug....................

then up the hill to the storage tank.

Time to relax.........

and have a cup of tea .......

with some of Pat's delicious homemade apple jelly. She makes it from wild crab-apples and it is the best apple jelly we've tasted.

If we start to boil today it will be late afternoon so no pictures until sometime tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I can see your laundry hanging in the background of one of your pics. "Good on you" for doing that in the winter! Or is it Spring now :-)

  2. happy to have found you....I'm moving to a farm just north of Bancroft on May 1st. I won't be so off the grid, but will look to your blog for inspiration. Thanks!

  3. Hi Lori;
    Even when we lived in the city Mary seldom used the drier. She prefers the smell of sheets just off the line.

    You will love living up here. If we can be of help just send us the question.
